Engineering AI Agents
Training Deep Networks
State Estimation
Large Language Models
Multimodal Reasoning
Markov Decision Processes
Reinforcement Learning
Introduction to AI
AI for Robotics
Deep Learning for Computer Vision
Planning with PDDL
Pantelis Monogioudis
Automated Planning
Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL)
The Unified Planning Library
Logistics Planning in PDDL
Manufacrturing Robot Planning in PDDL
Planning with Search
Forward Search Algorithms
The A* Algorithm
Interactive Demo
Motion Planning for Autonomous Cars
Interactive Demo
This demo is instructive of the various search algorithms we will cover here. You can introduce using your mouse obstacles in the canvas and see how the various search…
Automated Planning
Planning combines two major areas of AI: logic and search.
Forward Search Algorithms
If you are missing some algorithmic background, afraid not. There is a free and excellent book to help you with the background behind this chapter. Read Chapters 3 and 4 for…
Logistics Planning in PDDL
We will use the Logistics domain to illustrate how to represent a planning task in PDDL.
Manufacrturing Robot Planning in PDDL
This is a real case that we tackled for a manufacturing company. This company devises supply chains to make pieces of medical equipments. A supply chain consists of…
Motion Planning for Autonomous Cars
In this section we provide examples of a realistic planning application that deviates significantly from the assumptions of the PDDL-based planning - its geared towards…
Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL)
In the chapter of propositional logic we have seen the combinatorial explosion problem that results from the need to include in the reasoning / inference step all possible…
Planning with Search
In the PDDL section we saw that a sequence of actions that the agent needs to execute to reach the goal can be obtained using domain-independent planners. This section…
The A* Algorithm
Dijkstra’s algorithm is very much related to the
Uniform Cost Search
algorithm and in fact logically they are equivalent as the algorithm explores uniformly all nodes that…
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