Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Regression#

Predict the miles per gallon from the curb weight and engine size, using Stochastic Gradient Descent and a linear model with L2 regularization. You need to code up SGD yourself such as in here.

import pandas as pd

# Replace 'imports-85.csv' with the actual file path if it's not in the current directory
dataset_url = ""

# Read the CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv(dataset_url)

# Now, you can work with the 'df' DataFrame as needed
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)  # Show all columns
symboling normalized-losses make fuel-type aspiration num-of-doors body-style drive-wheels engine-location wheel-base length width height curb-weight engine-type num-of-cylinders engine-size fuel-system bore stroke compression-ratio horsepower peak-rpm city-mpg highway-mpg price
0 3 NaN alfa-romero gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 168.8 64.1 48.8 2548 dohc 4 130 mpfi 3.47 2.68 9.0 111.0 5000.0 21 27 13495.0
1 3 NaN alfa-romero gas std two convertible rwd front 88.6 168.8 64.1 48.8 2548 dohc 4 130 mpfi 3.47 2.68 9.0 111.0 5000.0 21 27 16500.0
2 1 NaN alfa-romero gas std two hatchback rwd front 94.5 171.2 65.5 52.4 2823 ohcv 6 152 mpfi 2.68 3.47 9.0 154.0 5000.0 19 26 16500.0
3 2 164.0 audi gas std four sedan fwd front 99.8 176.6 66.2 54.3 2337 ohc 4 109 mpfi 3.19 3.40 10.0 102.0 5500.0 24 30 13950.0
4 2 164.0 audi gas std four sedan 4wd front 99.4 176.6 66.4 54.3 2824 ohc 5 136 mpfi 3.19 3.40 8.0 115.0 5500.0 18 22 17450.0
5 2 NaN audi gas std two sedan fwd front 99.8 177.3 66.3 53.1 2507 ohc 5 136 mpfi 3.19 3.40 8.5 110.0 5500.0 19 25 15250.0
6 1 158.0 audi gas std four sedan fwd front 105.8 192.7 71.4 55.7 2844 ohc 5 136 mpfi 3.19 3.40 8.5 110.0 5500.0 19 25 17710.0
7 1 NaN audi gas std four wagon fwd front 105.8 192.7 71.4 55.7 2954 ohc 5 136 mpfi 3.19 3.40 8.5 110.0 5500.0 19 25 18920.0
8 1 158.0 audi gas turbo four sedan fwd front 105.8 192.7 71.4 55.9 3086 ohc 5 131 mpfi 3.13 3.40 8.3 140.0 5500.0 17 20 23875.0
9 0 NaN audi gas turbo two hatchback 4wd front 99.5 178.2 67.9 52.0 3053 ohc 5 131 mpfi 3.13 3.40 7.0 160.0 5500.0 16 22 NaN
target_variable_column = df[['city-mpg']]
feature_columns = df[['curb-weight', 'engine-size']]
# Convert selected columns to a NumPy array
y = target_variable_column.values
X = feature_columns.values
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