Creating Diagrams

Diagrams package

This site uses the diagrams python package to draw all diagrams as code.

SW Architecture

from diagrams import Diagram
from diagrams.c4 import Person, Container, Database, System, SystemBoundary, Relationship

graph_attr = {
    "splines": "spline",

with Diagram("Container diagram for Internet Banking System", direction="TB", graph_attr=graph_attr) as diag:
    customer = Person(
        name="Personal Banking Customer", description="A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts."

    with SystemBoundary("Internet Banking System"):
        webapp = Container(
            name="Web Application",
            technology="Java and Spring MVC",
            description="Delivers the static content and the Internet banking single page application.",

        spa = Container(
            name="Single-Page Application",
            technology="Javascript and Angular",
            description="Provides all of the Internet banking functionality to customers via their web browser.",

        mobileapp = Container(
            name="Mobile App",
            description="Provides a limited subset of the Internet banking functionality to customers via their mobile device.",

        api = Container(
            name="API Application",
            technology="Java and Spring MVC",
            description="Provides Internet banking functionality via a JSON/HTTPS API.",

        database = Database(
            technology="Oracle Database Schema",
            description="Stores user registration information, hashed authentication credentials, access logs, etc.",

    email = System(name="E-mail System", description="The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.", external=True)

    mainframe = System(
        name="Mainframe Banking System",
        description="Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.",

    customer >> Relationship("Visits using [HTTPS]") >> webapp
    customer >> Relationship("Views account balances, and makes payments using") >> [spa, mobileapp]
    webapp >> Relationship("Delivers to the customer's web browser") >> spa
    spa >> Relationship("Make API calls to [JSON/HTTPS]") >> api
    mobileapp >> Relationship("Make API calls to [JSON/HTTPS]") >> api

    api >> Relationship("reads from and writes to") >> database
    api >> Relationship("Sends email using [SMTP]") >> email
    api >> Relationship("Makes API calls to [XML/HTTPS]") >> mainframe
    customer << Relationship("Sends e-mails to") << email
Warning: node '02ae3635e34c422c98460a9a5d692305', graph 'Container diagram for Internet Banking System' size too small for label
Warning: node '63915a69b643469abb1c3efd67acac47', graph 'Container diagram for Internet Banking System' size too small for label
Warning: node '704225c8c73e4a949e258a3ad5d907b8', graph 'Container diagram for Internet Banking System' size too small for label
Warning: node '7ad6263589bd4cdda9ed6bf88a868f8e', graph 'Container diagram for Internet Banking System' size too small for label
Warning: node '8a9b3468651d4b4783abbd1468608bfb', graph 'Container diagram for Internet Banking System' size too small for label

AWS Diagrams

from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from import ECS
from import ElastiCache, RDS
from import ELB
from import Route53

with Diagram("Clustered Web Services", show=False) as diag:
    dns = Route53("dns")
    lb = ELB("lb")

    with Cluster("Services"):
        svc_group = [ECS("web1"),

    with Cluster("DB Cluster"):
        db_primary = RDS("userdb")
        db_primary - [RDS("userdb ro")]

    memcached = ElastiCache("memcached")

    dns >> lb >> svc_group
    svc_group >> db_primary
    svc_group >> memcached

Diagrams with custom icons

from diagrams import Diagram, Cluster
from diagrams.custom import Custom
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

with Diagram("Custom with remote icons", show=False, filename="custom_remote", direction="LR") as diag:

  # download the icon image file
  diagrams_url = ""
  diagrams_icon = "diagrams.png"
  urlretrieve(diagrams_url, diagrams_icon)

  diagrams = Custom("Diagrams", diagrams_icon)

  with Cluster("Some Providers"):

    openstack_url = ""
    openstack_icon = "openstack.png"
    urlretrieve(openstack_url, openstack_icon)

    openstack = Custom("OpenStack", openstack_icon)

    elastic_url = ""
    elastic_icon = "elastic.png"
    urlretrieve(elastic_url, elastic_icon)

    elastic = Custom("Elastic", elastic_icon)

  diagrams >> openstack
  diagrams >> elastic

Model Architectures

We use to visualize model architectures.

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