Cleaning Robot - Deterministic MDP

The following code shows the estimation of the q value function for a policy, the optimal q_star and the optimal policy for the cleaning robot problem in the deterministic case.

import numpy as np

def deterministic_robot_cleaning_v1():
    # Initialization
    state = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]                # Set of states
    action = [-1, 1]                         # Set of actions
    Q = np.zeros((len(state), len(action)))  # Initial Q can be chosen arbitrarily
    Qold = Q                                 # Save a backup to compare later
    L = 15                                   # Number of iterations
    gamma = 0.5                              # Discounting factor
    epsilon = 0.001                          # Final error to stop the algorithm

    # Deterministic Q-iteration algorithm
    for l in range(1, L + 1):
        print(f'iteration: {l}')
        for ii in range(len(state)):
            for jj in range(len(action)):
                Q[ii, jj] = reward(state[ii], action[jj]) + gamma * Q[model(state[ii], action[jj]), jj]

        if np.abs(np.sum(Q - Qold)) < epsilon:
            print('Epsilon criteria satisfied!')
            # print(Q)                            # Show Q matrix in each iteration
            Qold = Q

    # Show the final Q matrix
    print('Q matrix (optimal):')

    C = np.argmax(Q, axis=1)                   # Finding the max values
    print('Optimal Policy:')
    print([action[C[1]], action[C[2]], action[C[3]], action[C[4]]])

# This function is the transition model of the robot
# The inputs are: the current state, and the chosen action
# The output is the next state
def model(x, u):
    if 2 <= x <= 5:
        return x + u
        return x

# This function is the reward function for the task
# The inputs are: the current state, and the chosen action
# The output is the expected reward
def reward(x, u):
    if x == 5 and u == 1:
        return 5
    elif x == 2 and u == -1:
        return 1
        return 0

# Call the main function
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