AWS Cloudformation Workshop

AWS Cloudformation Workshop


The intent of this workshop is to educate builders about the features of AWS CloudFormation and how to get started building quickly.

VPC with CF


In this workshop, you will learn AWS CloudFormation best practices and how to build a Quick Start. We will go through different concepts, tips-and-tricks and tools which will help you write CloudFormation templates that are easy to read, maintain, test and expedite the development process with high quality. Each module will introduce you to some concepts and include hands-on activity. By the end of this workshop, you will have all the resources and tools setup to start building Quick Start.

In this workshop, we will learn:

  • Setting-up source control for Quick Start artifacts
  • Setting-up a development environment to build Quick Start
  • Setting-up CICD pipeline to continuously build and test code changes to the Quick Start
  • Designing Quick Start architecture following AWS best practices
  • Writing templates for maintainability, flexibility and re-usability
  • Testing templates in multiple regions with different input parameters using single command
  • Packaging and submitting the Quick Start for review and publishing