CS301 Introduction to Data Science

CS301 Introduction to Data Science #

heartflow Visualizing NYC Taxi Dropoffs

What this course is all about #

This course is all about making you love data science. Data science is by definition is multidisciplinary area as you will be dealing with problems that exist in a specific vertical / industry and you ought to understand what the data mean for each domain. In this course we will challenge you with exciting data-intensive problems and teach you from the ground up the concepts that will allow you to capture, transform, model and report in Python notebooks their solutions. The iterative nature of data science is to perhaps the most important meta-pattern - you need to learn how to iterate efficiently. This course requires some intensive effort from your side in both learning these concepts and practicing them in your assigned projects. We hope that we will motivate you to work hard and have some fun along the way.

Logistics #


Course Dates: Sept 1/2 - Dec 15/16, 2021

CS301-101: Wed 6pm EST, Central King Building 106

CS301-103: Thu 6pm EST, Central King Building 317

Communication: We use Slack for all communications: announcements and questions related to lectures and projects. Slack info has already been sent to you via Canvas. Please install Slack in your smartphones as well.

Office Hours Office hours will be coordinated via Slack as well - the process is simple: direct message and make arrangements for a 30min slot. After we agree on the slot, please send a GMeet calendar invitation to me. Include in your invitation the questions / issues you face so that we can have a productive meeting.

Instructor #

Pantelis Monogioudis, Ph.D

Professor of Practice, NJIT & Adjunct NYU

TA/Grader #


CS301-103: TBP

Grading #

  1. Midterm (20%)
  2. Final (30%)
  3. Project (20%)
  4. Assignments (30%)